简介:A film that explores the lives of female independence activists who fought against the Japanese Occupation in the m.77mi.cc North and South of Korea including heroines like the titular Yoo Kwan-soon, Eo Yoon-hee, Kwon Ae-ra, Shim Myung-chul, Noh Soon-kyung, Lim Myung-ae, and Shin Kwan-bin.
A film that explores the lives of female independence activists who fought against the Japanese Occupation in the m.77mi.cc North and South of Korea including heroines like the titular Yoo Kwan-soon, Eo Yoon-hee, Kwon Ae-ra, Shim Myung-chul, Noh Soon-kyung, Lim Myung-ae, and Shin Kwan-bin.展开
黄门:寻找奉俊昊被尘封的短片/黄门俱乐部:寻找奉俊昊被尘封的短片/Yellow Door: '90s Lo-fi Film Club/Yellow Door: Looking for Director Bong's Unreleased Short Film/Yellow Door: 90s Lo-fi Film Club/