简介:Marighella is a biographical film about Carlos Marighella, a Marxist Brazilian writer, politician and guerilla fighter who lived during the 20th century and was murdered by the brazilian military dictatorship in 1969. The film is an adaptation of the book "Marighella - The Warrior Who Burnt Down The World" by Mário Magalh?es. The film also marks Wagner Moura's debut as director...
戴夫·巴蒂斯塔///索菲亚·波多拉///庞·克莱门捷夫///本·金斯利///斯科特·阿金斯///泰瑞·克鲁斯///丹尼尔·伯哈特///马克·扎罗///安东尼娅·德斯普拉特///谢娜·韦斯特///露西·科克///罗非洛·迪格托勒///乔治·索纳///斯科特·亚历山大·杨///德鲁·盖洛韦// József Kovalik Jr. / Mia Rouba M.Kiss //李勋// Péter Sokorai / Odett Elza Négyesi/